Lora`s Studio Lady2fight Logo

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Declined payment reasons

1. Payment may be blocked due to not being possible to collect all the necessary information from your device to complete the transaction.
Solution: enable JavaScript and/or disable ad-blocker, a VPN, or whatever else that may have running on your device.
Note #1 from our user: If you are using a browser that may have a built in VPN, like Brave or Tor and are having troubles submitting a purchase order, please use a different browser without a VPN like Chrome, Firefox, etc. for the purchase to go through.
Note #2 from our user: I used privacy.com the last few times I purchased your videos. (I’m based out of the US if that matters.) It’s a free service that creates a temporary credit card from a bank account.

2. Non-secure payments
Solution: Enable 3D-secure (2 step confirmation with SMS code sent to your device)

3. Declined by sender bank
Solution: Contact your bank to confirm that the payment is secure and need to be proceeded.

We also have alternative way of payments and willing to help, please contact us through lady2fight@gmail.com

Meet Lady2fight
Postcard from NY (Script writer ID: 69)

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