Sandra is sitting on the couch wearing jeans and a T shirt, just reading quietly, when Alice, the girl she is babysitting, walks in wearing a very short little girl sleeveless dress, with a very high hemline, so you can see her bare legs right up to the ass, she is also wearing white socks folded half an inch below her knees, and sandals.
Alice comes in and sees Sandra sitting there, and takes the book away from her. “I want you to take care of me” Alice says and sits on Sandra’s lap, placing her head on Sandra’s shoulder, lifting her legs up and resting her feet on the couch, she curls herself up into a ball on Sandra’s lap.
“It’s time for you to go to bed little girl” Sandra says, stroking Alice’s thighs, and slapping them gently, the slapping sounds should be heard.
Alice with her head still on Sandra’s shoulder looks up at Sandra saying “I don’t want to go to bed just yet, will you play with me, please!
“Will you rock me like a baby in your arms”
With that, Sandra gathers Alice up in her arms, and stands with Alice in a cradle carry, her hand pressed flat against her bare thigh. She rocks Alice gently in her arms, and then carries her to the middle of the room.
Alice keeps her head on Sandra’s shoulder, and says, “I feel so safe in your strong arms, I wish you could carry me forever”
After carrying her a couple of minutes, Sandra sits back down with Alice in her lap, and proceeds to take off her dress, then tells Alice to remove her shoes and socks, Alice does though somewhat nervously, Alice is now down to her bra and panties.
Sandra lifts Alice’s thighs as if to cradle her, but holds Alice in her lap in cradle position, then she removes her arm leaving Alice curled up in her lap. Again she strokes Alice’s thighs gently slapping them. holding her there for a couple of minutes, she lifts Alice up in her arms, cradling her gently, and says, it’s bedtime for you little girl.
“Rock me to sleep before you put me to bed” Alice begs her, so Sandra starts rocking her saying “Time for bed, my beautiful little girl” After a couple of minutes, Sandra carries Alice in her arms out of the room.
Very nice to see Alice get lifted & carried, maybe next time, Alice can be the one to do the lift & carry?