Summary of Scene 1: LORA is the MALE ACTOR’s girlfriend. LORA lives with a female roommate SONYA. MALE ACTOR and SONYA absolutely hate each other. SONYA is fed up with hearing at night all the time LORA and MALE ACTOR moaning and fucking from their bedroom. SONYA has also noticed the MALE ACTOR constantly lustfully checking her out. SONYA has a ballbusting fetish and would love nothing more then to inflict maximum pain to MALE ACTOR in front of LORA so that LORA can see how pathetic and undeserving to be LORA’s boyfriend the MALE ACTOR is. LORA is completely in the dark about their hatred toward one another and wants nothing more than the 3 of them to get along as she loves both her boyfriend and roommate deeply. LORA sets the stage for a battle between MALE ACTOR and SONYA so they can settle their differences and LORA will be the referee to decide the victor. LORA suggests that the reward to the victor will be as follows, if MALE ACTOR wins then he gets to move into the apartment permanently, and if SONYA wins then LORA will breakup with MALE ACTOR since there is no way LORA can be with a man who wouldn’t do anything that is needed to win for her. All 3 agree to the terms and go to their rooms to change cloths and prepare for the battle.
LORA changes into something sexy as to remind her boyfriend during the match what he is fighting for. MALE ACTOR changes into something that resembles boxer briefs that shows off his masculine package to his opponent. SONYA changes into black lingerie that shows off her ass and tits, with black knee high stockings, clipped to a black garter belt, and black open toed high heels, she knows exactly how to best distract MALE ACTOR and use her seductiveness to her advantage.
Summary of Scene 2: Out walks LORA looking sexy as hell, she announces her boyfriend MALE ACTOR to enter, MALE ACTOR enters walking in feeling strong and cocky, walks over to LORA to giving her ass a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek as if to say she has nothing to worry about. LORA loves this and reciprocates by rubbing his cock to get him fired up for the match and remind him to do anything to win. LORA now announces SONYA to enter, SONYA enters walking powerfully confident knowing full well that she is not letting MALE ACTOR out of this fight without losing his balls. SONYA makes sure to walk right by MALE ACTOR looking at him seductively and brushing her hand over his cock as she walks by, knowing that he would be staring at her ass as she walks by right in front of LORA. LORA notices this and is a bit surprised, she never had a thought before that MALE ACTOR could ever be interested in SONYA but she brushes this off for now. LORA states that the fight has begun!
SONYA starts things off by seductively walking towards MALE ACTOR and saying with a smile “wow I have never noticed before, but I can see now why Lora keeps you around, you have a huge cock”, SONYA looking over at LORA says “lucky you, I hope you enjoyed it” , with MALE ACTOR clearly distracted watching SONYA walking closer to him staring at her legs and feet, SONYA unleashes a vicious hard kick straight to his balls making solid contact. MALE ACTOR is taken by surprise and drops to his knees immediately, one hand on his balls and the other over his mouth as if to prevent himself from throwing up from such a hard kick, his eyes are wide and scared now, his head is level with her pussy as he is looking up at SONYA. LORA in this moment is horrified for her boyfriend, her expression is shock and concern, she screams “oh my god!” and her hand quickly covers her mouth as she is worried the damage to her boyfriends balls could be great. SONYA looking down at MALE ACTOR is clearly proud of herself and squats down to be eye level with him spreading her legs wide to give him a good view of her pussy, SONYA rubs her pussy right in MALE ACTOR’s face and while moaning, she looks up at LORA and says with a devious grin “nothing makes me more wet then kicking a man’s balls into his throat”. LORA looks at SONYA with disgust but says nothing. SONYA pulls MALE ACTOR in close with one hand as she starts to rub his cock with the other and whispers in his ear seductively “I know how bad you want this pussy, so you better prove yourself worthy of it or else I’m going to squeeze your poor little nuts so hard they pop right in my hands, in front of LORA, so she can see how pathetic of a man you really are.
Summary of Scene 3: LORA grabs SONYA by the hair and pulls her up saying angerly “what the hell do you think you’re doing?” SONYA responds “proving to you once and for all how pathetic your boyfriend is, and how you deserve better. He wants this body Lora and I promise you by time I am done with him he’ll be begging me to take his balls just for a chance to burry his face in my perfect ass and tits.” LORA lets go of SONYA and looks at her boyfriend with disappointment. MALE ACTOR took this time to recover and rush at SONYA, hitting her with a barrage of attacks in an attempt to regain the upper hand of the battle. After knocking down SONYA, MALE ACTOR turns his attention to LORA pleading with her that he isn’t attracted to SONYA, as LORA and MALE ACTOR argue, SONYA takes this opportunity to seduce MALE ACTOR and lower his guard. SONYA sneaks up behind MALE ACTOR with a rough grab of his balls from behind, SONYA says “Don’t believe him Lora, I’ll prove it to you”. SONYA proceeds to turn MALE ACTOR around and push him up against a wall (or corner), she slaps him across the face hard, then takes a step forward planting her foot and with her other leg drives her knee so hard into his balls that MALE ACTOR’s jaw drops and is left unable to speak. SONYA leaves her knee suspended in the air against his balls for several moments crushing them, she then begins to grind her knee into his balls against his pelvic bone. This is excruciatingly painful for MALE ACTOR. SONYA is delighted with his pain, she pins him in this position and repeatedly knees his balls over and over and over again, each strike as strong as the last one, until he is a sobbing mess. SONYA lets MALE ACTOR collapse to the floor face first.
LORA watching her boyfriend’s balls get crushed over and over again, reacts by cupping her pussy with her hands and squeezing her knees tight together as if she felt his pain and is really concerned for him. SONYA feeling powerful, cups her pussy and mocks MALE ACTOR saying “awwww did poor baby get his little nuts crushed by little ole me? God they must hurt soooooo bad baby. Don’t worry I know exactly what will make you feel all better.” SONYA lowers herself onto MALE ACTOR who is laying flat on his back, she taunts him with her ass right in his face, inches away from everything he’s wanted, she lowers herself onto him facesitting him and riding his face right in front of LORA. SONYA is looking at LORA with an evil smile and laughing the entire time as MALE ACTOR is smothered underneath SONYA and MALE ACTOR appears to be enjoying himself. LORA notices how hard MALE ACTOR is getting and is besides herself watching this. SONYA gets up and stands against a nearby wall (or corner) and starts grabbing her tits with one hand and rubbing her pussy with the other, as she is turning on by the damage she is causing. MALE ACTOR gets up and although clearly in pain, still wants more of SONYA, so MALE ACTOR stumbles over to SONYA and rest his body against hers, rubbing his hands all over her body, SONYA loves this attention and begins to moan louder. LORA has had enough, she sneaks up behind MALE ACTOR and lands the perfect kick to his balls as hard as she possibly can, her toe catching his nuts and pressing them perfectly up against his body. SONYA is in shock and laughs as she looks MALE ACTOR in the eyes as LORA’s kick landed. It was the ultimate turn on for SONYA. SONYA catches MALE ACTOR by grabbing his balls before he fell and holds him up straight, she begins to squeeze harder then ever before, she looks at LORA and says “God I have been waiting for you to do that for far too long, how about you help me pop his little nuts so we can go home and leave this pig here to cry himself to sleep”. LORA angerly comes over to help SONYA, LORA takes one nut in one hand and SONYA takes the other, together they squeeze his balls until there is nothing left. MALE ACTOR collapses to the floor and SONYA so turned on by what they just did together can’t keep her hands off of LORA. Together SONYA and LORA exit the scene.
Absolutely outstanding performances, exceeded all expectations, one of the hottest ballbusting videos I have ever seen! Truly professionals through and through. Highly recommended!!
5 star
five star