Lora displays her latest line of her clothing designs at a top fashion show.
Scene 1. Lora’s coworkers convince her to let them help her showcase her wardrobe at a fashion show.
Scene 2. The men realize what they are expected to wear and want to renege on their offer . When Lora enters their dressing room wearing a dominatrix outfit, their attitudes change quickly and they all become excited to participate.
Scene 3. Lora walks the runway showing off her latest ‘Femdom’ collection as the male slaves take turns accompanying her. She briefly demonstrates some quick punishments on her accompanying slave at the top of the runway before turning around and exiting the stage. The paparazzi snap away (take photos).
Scene 4. Lora and her male associates are all back in the office. They are standing around laughing and recalling their favorite highlights and success from the fashion show.
Scene 5. The paparazzi (three ladies with cameras) walk in to the studio dragging Mr. Richard and he’s wearing Lora’s latest slave wear. He is gagged and has his hands tied behind his back. He appears very feisty and angry with them. They throw Mr. Richard into the middle of the studio. Lora enters as a dominatrix while the paparazzi get into position for the photo shoot. Lora promises them that these photos will be better than the ones slated for the magazine.
9 actors (Female: 4, Male: 5)
Really Lora is a goddess, all for her