This fight will be an even worse beating on Luna. In this fight it will make the first beating Luna good look like she got it easy.
This time there will be a mix of hard single punches with long combos. Quantity will be the game now together with also brital harsh punches.
All the strikes will be facepunches or kicks to the face and all other type of hits to the face and head, like elbows, knees, headbutts, etc….
There will be no other type of hits – no bellypunching or bending, none of that.
For most of the fight, blood will be less used until the last part where blood will be on quantity, to serve as a visual indication just of how really bad the beating Luna receives is destroying her.
All the hits and strikes are done by Ashley. Luna never once lands a single hit on Ashley.
Carlos –
Hello. This is my custom order videeo. I love the results very much, it surpassed my expectations. In particular Luna, who in my other videos played the girl who gave other girls a beating – Lora and Julia – this time it’s her turn to be on the wrong end of a beating. And Luna looks magnificent taking it. Ashley is also great as the Terminator-like, which i decided to show no emotion and to fight in a mechanical and brutal way in contrast to Luna’s exuberant acting and fighting style.
Luna and Ashley are great. I liked them so much together i imediatly ordered another custom video with them.
And i got to say, Luna with long hair, she looks the most beautiful i have ever seen her. I personally hope she is considering goriwng her hair long in the future, she looks amazing with that look, IMHO.
Thank you Luna, thank you Ashley, thank you all at Lady2Fight for this video.
I hope you all have as much fun watching it as i did.