Agent Sonya is now being passed around in white slavery rings where she endures the depravity of client’s desires, who apparently are Lady2fight fans.
scene 1 – kickboxer (3 minutes in boxing ring): low kicks and belly punches instead of belly slaps;
scene 2 – LARPer (live action roleplayer; 3 minutes in neon green room): whipping scene
scene 3 – military interrogator (3 minutes in gray room): handcuffed torture scene
Sonya and Eric did amazing in this custom acting out 3 torture scenes that Lora had done in prior clips! Good kicking and bellypunching reactions in scene 1, whipping/burning reactions in scene 2, and beating/electro reactions in scene 3. And Sonya looked amazing tied up in the 3 different costumes and acting out the torture!