In a war-torn world, an all-female military unit is marching through a dense forest, unaware of the deadly trap awaiting them. Led by a male guide, who is secretly a traitor, the 13 brave soldiers, including Lora, Luna, and Michelle, are about to face an ambush orchestrated by a much smaller but more lethal enemy force.
Despite their courage, the women are ill-prepared for the brutal confrontation. As the guide betrays them, the enemy attacks with guns and melee weapons, targeting their stomachs in a vicious onslaught. The women fight valiantly, but their inferior training and the surprise of the ambush leave them overwhelmed.
One by one, the soldiers are taken down, enduring painful belly punches and blows, with dramatic reactions to their torment. As the battle unfolds, the camera captures a mix of wide shots of the chaotic battlefield and close-ups of individual soldiers suffering in pain. The battle rages on, with no hope of rescue, until the last of the women are defeated, left wounded and clutching their stomachs in agony, their unit utterly destroyed.
Larry –
This is my custom. Lora and her crew really went all out here. They put in so much effort and really did their best to follow the script as closely as possible. Of course with so many actors it cost me a pretty penny, but it was worth it. The girls are so hot in their military uniforms. 10/10
With the number of girls in sexy uniforms getting defeated, this video is also for fans of zako situations.
KZ –
Great video! Even better when shoes are removed and pantyhose feet is exposed.