Lora and Ashley enter the barracks. They must eliminate the enemy’s most trained soldiers.
In these scenes, after exchanging several shots the enemies always fall dead. They fall and lie face down or on their side. Ashley and Lora, weapons in hand, head towards them, run the enemy’s weapon and finish him off at point-blank range. Then they turn the bodies over with their feet. They look at them. They move them. With their foot they arrange the bodies of the enemies, leaving them with their arms and legs extended so that they appear well surrendered at their feet. They blow on their revolvers and perch on them. They often pose victoriously on the enemy’s stomach. this scene with different approaches. They change enemies. . They know that the rival boss will be watching. Lora and Ashley kill and have at their feet the most fearsome soldiers of the enemy.
Checking out the enemy. Part 1
Checking out the enemy. Part 2
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