Michelle and Lora have a belly pushing contest to see who can last the longest. Lora pushes Michelle first to try and get her to give up as quickly as possible. When she does it’s Lora’s turn and Lora lasts longer than Michelle and claims victory. Michelle is mad that Lora won and wants to do the contest again but in another position. Lora works on Michelle until she says stop and then they switch. Michelle pushes Lora until Lora sees that she’s won again and tells her to stop, at which time Michelle shows that she’s a sore loser.
Michelle against wall – 3 minutes
Lora against wall – 3 minutes
Michelle lying against sofa – 3 minutes
Lora lying against sofa – 3 minutes
Sore loser Michelle taunting and pushing unconscious Lora – 1 minute
So adorable, so sexy, so cute! You do your best to put your imagination into words and it’s a guarantee that Lora and the ladies will do their best to make it a reality. I really enjoyed Michelle and Lora together is this one.
Thank you!!